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   Ok, so I am totally guilty of being obsessed with “Scandal”. I think my girl Kerry Washington is a phenomenal actress. The show is always exciting and dramatic, it will literally have you on the edge of your seat with each episode.

However, I must admit that the affair between Olivia and Fitz perplexes me.  The show is so incredibly well written that you almost forget that this is essentially a story about a woman who is sleeping with a married man.
If this weren’t a TV show, wouldn’t she be immediately written off as a low class “jump off”with no self esteem?
Despite  this fact, every week we tune in to witness all of the scandalous drama that unfolds with each episode and immediately you find yourself on her side or perhaps even rooting for her.

I admit I am one of those people who are rooting for Olivia every week, but unlike most fans of the show, I’m not hoping that she and Fitz can one day be together.
Perhaps its the fact that I happen to be a married woman and I can’t imagine being in “Melly’s” shoes.

No, I root for Olivia because I can’t wait for the day that she realizes that she  deserves better than a man who treats her like a booty call.
Olivia is a gorgeous, intelligent, strong and independent woman yet somehow something inside of her allows her to believe that she doesn’t deserve her own man.
Yes, she deserves someone who truly understands her worth and would never put her in a position that comprises her virtue.
Now, I know I’m talking about a fictional character here but there are so many women who are trapped in this situation right now.
My advice, walk away. No matter how hard it may be, its worth it. You are worth it. I believe God has created a man just for you and believe me, it won’t be someone else’s husband. 

In closing, let me say this:
If he cheated with you, he will cheat on you.

Carry on my fellow gladiators 🙂